Sparse linear regression

Let's look at a least squares regression problem with L1 regularization: we will use the "diabetes dataset" (see here), so let's start by loading the data.

using HTTP

splitlines(s) = split(s, "\n")
splitfields(s) = split(s, "\t")
parsefloat64(s) = parse(Float64, s)

function load_diabetes_dataset()
    res =
        HTTP.request("GET", "")
    lines = res.body |> String |> strip |> splitlines
    return hcat((line |> splitfields .|> parsefloat64 for line in lines[2:end])...)'

data = load_diabetes_dataset()

training_input = data[1:end-100, 1:end-1]
training_label = data[1:end-100, end]

test_input = data[end-99:end, 1:end-1]
test_label = data[end-99:end, end]

n_training, n_features = size(training_input)
(342, 10)

Now we can set up the optimization problem we want to solve: we will minimize the mean squared error for a linear model, appropriately scaled so that the features in the training data are normally distributed ("standardization", this is known to help the optimization process).

After some simple manipulation, this standardized linear model can be implemented as follows:

using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics

input_loc = mean(training_input, dims = 1) |> vec
input_scale = std(training_input, dims = 1) |> vec

linear_model(wb, input) = input * wb[1:end-1] .+ wb[end]

function standardized_linear_model(wb, input)
    w_scaled = wb[1:end-1] ./ input_scale
    wb_scaled = vcat(w_scaled, wb[end] - dot(w_scaled, input_loc))
    return linear_model(wb_scaled, input)
standardized_linear_model (generic function with 1 method)

The loss term in the cost is then the following. Note that this is a regular Julia function: since the algorithm we will apply requires its gradient, automatic differentiation will do the work for us.

mean_squared_error(label, output) = mean((output .- label) .^ 2) / 2

using Zygote
using DifferentiationInterface: AutoZygote
using ProximalAlgorithms

training_loss = ProximalAlgorithms.AutoDifferentiable(
    wb -> mean_squared_error(training_label, standardized_linear_model(wb, training_input)),
ProximalAlgorithms.AutoDifferentiable{Main.var"#3#4", ADTypes.AutoZygote}(Main.var"#3#4"(), ADTypes.AutoZygote())

As regularization we will use the L1 norm, implemented in ProximalOperators:

using ProximalOperators

reg = ProximalOperators.NormL1(1)

We want to minimize the sum of training_loss and reg, and for this task we can use FastForwardBackward, which implements the fast proximal gradient method (also known as fast forward-backward splitting, or FISTA). Therefore we construct the algorithm, then apply it to our problem by providing a starting point, and the objective terms f=training_loss (smooth) and g=reg (non smooth).

ffb = ProximalAlgorithms.FastForwardBackward()
solution, iterations = ffb(x0 = zeros(n_features + 1), f = training_loss, g = reg)
([0.0, -9.84468723961304, 23.777300627851535, 12.957770377540996, -4.7470469711076575, 0.0, -11.013138882753212, 0.0, 24.351386511781616, 3.2906368579992815, 151.01169590643272], 285)

We can now check how well the trained model performs on the test portion of our data.

test_output = standardized_linear_model(solution, test_input)
mean_squared_error(test_label, test_output)

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