Custom algorithms


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IterativeAlgorithm(T; maxit, stop, solution, verbose, freq, display, kwargs...)

Wrapper for an iterator type T, adding termination and verbosity options on top of it.

This is a conveniency constructor to allow for "partial" instantiation of an iterator of type T. The resulting "algorithm" object alg can be called on a set of keyword arguments, which will be merged to kwargs and passed on to T to construct an iterator which will be looped over. Specifically, if an algorithm is constructed as

alg = IterativeAlgorithm(T; maxit, stop, solution, verbose, freq, display, kwargs...)

then calling it with

alg(; more_kwargs...)

will internally loop over an iterator constructed as

T(; alg.kwargs..., more_kwargs...)


This constructor is not meant to be used directly: instead, algorithm-specific constructors should be defined on top of it and exposed to the user, that set appropriate default functions for stop, solution, display.


  • T::Type: iterator type to use
  • maxit::Int: maximum number of iteration
  • stop::Function: termination condition, stop(::T, state) should return true when to stop the iteration
  • solution::Function: solution mapping, solution(::T, state) should return the identified solution
  • verbose::Bool: whether the algorithm state should be displayed
  • freq::Int: every how many iterations to display the algorithm state
  • display::Function: display function, display(::Int, ::T, state) should display a summary of the iteration state
  • kwargs...: keyword arguments to pass on to T when constructing the iterator