Custom objective terms
ProximalAlgorithms relies on the first-order primitives defined in ProximalCore. While a rich library of function types, implementing such primitives, is provided by ProximalOperators, one may need to formulate problems using custom objective terms. When that is the case, one only needs to implement the right first-order primitive, $\nabla f$ or $\operatorname{prox}_{\gamma f}$ or both, for algorithms to be able to work with $f$.
Defining the proximal mapping for a custom function type requires adding a method for ProximalCore.prox!
To compute gradients, algorithms use value_and_gradient
: this relies on DifferentiationInterface.jl, for automatic differentiation with any of its supported backends, when functions are wrapped in AutoDifferentiable
, as the examples below show.
If however you would like to provide your own gradient implementation (e.g. for efficiency reasons), you can simply implement a method for value_and_gradient
on your own function type.
— Functionprox(f, x, gamma=1)
Proximal mapping for f
, evaluated at x
, with stepsize gamma
The proximal mapping is defined as
\[\mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f}(x) = \arg\min_z \left\{ f(z) + \tfrac{1}{2\gamma}\|z-x\|^2 \right\}.\]
Returns a tuple (y, fy)
consisting of
: the output of the proximal mapping off
with stepsizegamma
: the value off
See also: prox!
— Functionprox!(y, f, x, gamma=1)
In-place proximal mapping for f
, evaluated at x
, with stepsize gamma
The proximal mapping is defined as
\[\mathrm{prox}_{\gamma f}(x) = \arg\min_z \left\{ f(z) + \tfrac{1}{2\gamma}\|z-x\|^2 \right\}.\]
The result is written to the (pre-allocated) array y
, which should have the same shape/size as x
Returns the value of f
at y
See also: prox
— Functionvalue_and_gradient(f, x)
Return a tuple containing the value of f
at x
and the gradient of f
at x
— TypeAutoDifferentiable(f, backend)
Callable struct wrapping function f
to be auto-differentiated using backend
When called, it evaluates the same as f
, while its gradient is implemented using backend
for automatic differentiation. The backend can be any of those supported by DifferentiationInterface.jl.
Example: constrained Rosenbrock
Let's try to minimize the celebrated Rosenbrock function, but constrained to the unit norm ball. The cost function is
using Zygote
using DifferentiationInterface: AutoZygote
using ProximalAlgorithms
rosenbrock2D = ProximalAlgorithms.AutoDifferentiable(
x -> 100 * (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + (1 - x[1])^2,
ProximalAlgorithms.AutoDifferentiable{Main.var"#1#2", ADTypes.AutoZygote}(Main.var"#1#2"(), ADTypes.AutoZygote())
To enforce the constraint, we define the indicator of the unit ball, together with its proximal mapping: this is simply projection onto the unit norm ball, so it is sufficient to normalize any given point that lies outside of the set.
using LinearAlgebra
using ProximalCore
struct IndUnitBall end
(::IndUnitBall)(x) = norm(x) > 1 ? eltype(x)(Inf) : eltype(x)(0)
function ProximalCore.prox!(y, ::IndUnitBall, x, gamma)
if norm(x) > 1
y .= x ./ norm(x)
y .= x
return zero(eltype(x))
We can now minimize the function, for which we will use PANOC
, which is a Newton-type method:
panoc = ProximalAlgorithms.PANOC()
solution, iterations = panoc(x0 = -ones(2), f = rosenbrock2D, g = IndUnitBall())
([0.7864151541667181, 0.6176983125255701], 36)
Plotting the solution against the cost function contour and constraint, gives an idea of its correctness.
using Plots
(x, y) -> rosenbrock2D([x, y]),
fill = true,
framestyle = :none,
background = nothing,
plot!(Shape(cos.(0:0.01:2*pi), sin.(0:0.01:2*pi)), opacity = 0.5, label = "feasible set")
color = :red,
markershape = :star5,
label = "computed solution",
Example: counting operations
It is often interesting to measure how many operations (gradient- or prox-evaluation) an algorithm is taking. In fact, in algorithms involving backtracking or some other line-search logic, the iteration count may not be entirely representative of the amount of operations are being performed; or maybe some specific implementations require additional operations to be performed when checking stopping conditions. All of this makes it difficult to quantify the exact iteration complexity.
We can achieve this by wrapping functions in a dedicated Counting
mutable struct Counting{T}
Counting(f::T) where {T} = Counting{T}(f, 0, 0, 0)
function (f::Counting)(x)
f.eval_count += 1
return f.f(x)
Now we only need to intercept any call to value_and_gradient
and prox!
and increase counters there:
function ProximalAlgorithms.value_and_gradient(f::Counting, x)
f.eval_count += 1
f.gradient_count += 1
return ProximalAlgorithms.value_and_gradient(f.f, x)
function ProximalCore.prox!(y, f::Counting, x, gamma)
f.prox_count += 1
return ProximalCore.prox!(y, f.f, x, gamma)
We can run again the previous example, this time wrapping the objective terms within Counting
f = Counting(rosenbrock2D)
g = Counting(IndUnitBall())
solution, iterations = panoc(x0 = -ones(2), f = f, g = g)
([0.7864151541667181, 0.6176983125255701], 36)
and check how many operations where actually performed:
println("function evals: $(f.eval_count)")
println("gradient evals: $(f.gradient_count)")
println(" prox evals: $(g.prox_count)")
function evals: 115
gradient evals: 115
prox evals: 79
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